
The All India Sports Council of the Deaf, New Delhi which is the National Apex Body for Deaf Sports is one of the 55 Sports Associations, recognized by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, meaning to promote Sports in the Country. This All India Sports Council of the Deaf alone out of the 55 National Sports Federation Associations conducts under a single canopy Championships in all the Disciplines at National and International Levels.
Our mission
Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
The Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports was initially set up as the Department of Sports in 1982 at the time of organization of the IX Asian Games in New Delhi . Its name was changed to the Department of Youth affairs & sports during celebration of the International Youth Year, 1985. It became a Ministry on 27th May,2000. Subsequently, the Ministry has been bifurcated in Deptt. of Youth Affairs and Deptt. of Sports under two separate Secretaries w.e.f. 30th April,2008. The specific subjects being dealt with by these two Departments are contained in the Order of the Govt. of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961. Sports promotion is primarily the responsibility of the various National Sports Federations which are autonomous. The role of the Government is to create the infrastructure and promote capacity building for broad-basing sports as well as for achieving excellence in various competitive events at the national and international levels. The Department schemes are geared towards achieving these objectives.
The Deaflympics Games are the Biggest International Event, with players and spectators from all over the World.In 2001 at the Committee International of Silent Sports (CISS) Congress in Rome by agreement of International Olympic Committee and CISS, the name Deaflympics replaced the former name Deaf World Games. The Deaflympics were given the same status as the Paralympics Games and Olympic Games. This means that Deaflympic Games have the same status for DEAF sports as the Olympics for the Hearing and the Paralympics for the Disabled.
The Summer and Winter Deaflympics are among the world's fastest growing sports events. More than 4,000 deaf athletes and officials from 77 nations participated in the 21st Summer Deaflympics in Taipei, Chinese Taipei, in September 2009. Over 600 athletes and officials participated in the 16th Winter Deaflympics in Salt Lake City, United States in February 2007.
The games are built on 85 years of tradition. Organized since 1924 by the Comite International des Sports des Sourds, CISS (The International Committee of Sports for the Deaf), the first Summer Deaflympics were held in Paris. Winter Deaflympics were added in 1949. The Summer and Winter Deaflympics are sanctioned by the International Olympic Committee, IOC.
The need for separate games for deaf athletes is not just evident in the numbers of participants. Deaf athletes are distinguished from all others in their special communication needs on the sports field, as well as in the social interaction that is an equally vital part of the games.
Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation(APDSC)
The sports movement for the deaf in Asia was started by the late Mr. Chou Kuo-tung from Taipei China in 1983, where the first Far Eastern Deaf Football Championship was held with 4 countries namely Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei participating.
The first sporting event in the Asia and Pacific region that was endorsed by the International Committee Sports of the Deaf and recognized by the International Olympic Committee, took place in 1984. The event was the First Asia Pacific Deaf Soccer Championship in Hong Kong.
The Championships were held biennially in Kyoto, Japan (1986) and Melbourne, Australia (1988).
The Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation (APDSC) was formed during the 3rd Asia Pacific Deaf Soccer Championships in Melbourne.
During the 4th Championship in Seoul in 1992, APDSC passed a resolution to change the name from Asia Pacific Deaf Soccer Championships to Asia Pacific Games for the Deaf and changing it from biennial to every four years.
International Committee of Silent Chess (I.C.S.C.)
The International Committee of Silent Chess (I.C.S.C.) was founded in 1949 in Copenhagen (Denmark) and is recognised by Federation Internationale des Echecs (F.I.D.E.) and the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.); the recent 31st I.C.S.C. Congress held on October 1st, 2012, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, has approved the new name change of the I.C.S.C. It is now being called as the Internationl Chess Committee of the Deaf (I.C.C.D.); the I.C.C.D. also publishes its periodical magazine "Mitteilungsblatt" (The I.C.C.D. Bulletin) every four months.
The I.C.C.D. is an international organisation based on voluntary service. It establishes and organizes the World Individuals events for both Deaf men and women, World Teams Deaf Chess Championships, European, Asian (Continental) Clubs Chess Championships and friendly international tournaments.