International Committee of Silent Chess (I.C.S.C.)

The International Committee of Silent Chess (I.C.S.C.) was founded in 1949 in Copenhagen (Denmark) and is recognised by Federation Internationale des Echecs (F.I.D.E.) and the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.); the recent 31st I.C.S.C. Congress held on October 1st, 2012, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, has approved the new name change of the I.C.S.C. It is now being called as the Internationl Chess Committee of the Deaf (I.C.C.D.); the I.C.C.D. also publishes its periodical magazine "Mitteilungsblatt" (The I.C.C.D. Bulletin) every four months.
The I.C.C.D. is an international organisation based on voluntary service. It establishes and organizes the World Individuals events for both Deaf men and women, World Teams Deaf Chess Championships, European, Asian (Continental) Clubs Chess Championships and friendly international tournaments.
The International Chess Committee of the Deaf Historical Files of ICCD 1949